My 2017 OCR year
The year is coming to an end and it is time to evaluate the year that has passed and start looking at 2018.
2017 started with (or almost😉) a long awaited PR on 5km. On December 31 2016 I finally managed to run 5km in under 20 minutes, actually 19.55 minutes to be exact. This had been a goal of my for as long as I can remember; I was ready for 2017!
New beginnings
Early on I was contacted by Nutramino about a partnership, I was lucky enough to become part of the new Nutramino OCR team, Nutramino OCR Fighters. The year was off to a great start!
My first race was Polar Evolution Race on March 12th, before the race I had worked on the mental part of the race. I had spent a lot of time visualising the start and the end of the race. On race day I was calm and ready to do the job. I remember the start, just as I visualised I was out first and in front to begin with. To be honest I was sort of surprised, thinking "oh why am I in front, where are the others?" 😂 However, I came second in that race, which was my first ever podium finish, and I qualified for the European Championship in Holland; I was SO happy! The year had started so well!
The next few races went really well (except for Nordic Race Strandparken, where I collapsed with hypothermia). I had good solid performances in Toughest Malmø, Female Revolution and of course Nordic Race Hasle Bakker, where I got another 2nd place. I felt strong and my running was going well, I was ready for the OCR European Championship.
I was so honoured to be sponsored by PowerDot Europe for the OCR European Championship, where I managed to place 7th in my age group. After the OCREC I was READY to kick ass and continue my training towards the OCR World Championship in October.
A fractured hand
Less than a week after the OCREC I fractured my left hand at Cop Run x Nordic Race, that fracture changed everything. The rest of 2017 was a nightmare, racing was not fun, my body just wasn't coorporating with me and I didn't enjoy it. Despite this I managed to finish 8th at the OCRWC in October in my age group. After the OCRWC I was mentally DONE with racing, but I still had one race left, Nordic Race MX Copenhagen. That race did not go well, my motivation wasn't there, my left hand started causing me trouble due to the cold. It just wasn't fun; luckily I do not have any races coming up for another 3 months which is perfect.
I quickly realised I needed to find my motivation again and start to enjoy my training. To my surprise that didn't take long, as soon as the season was over and the pressure was off, training became fun again and I love my new traning routine 😀
To sum up 2017 the first 6 months were fantastic, the last few months not so much; but now it's time to focus on 2018.
The fractured hand is still giving me some trouble sometimes, therefore, I have decided that I cannot start 2018 not knowing if my hand was okay or not. I went to get it checked out, luckily everything looks fine and it is all part of the healing process, so that's great news! 😛
Goals for 2018
I know I need to focus on other things that races, therefore, I have made the following fitness goals:
- To be able to do 10 pull ups (repeat from 2017)
- To be able to do 1 muscle up (repeat from 2017)
- To do Flying Monkey in a race (repeat from 2017; it doesn't count in 2018 if it's over a pool🙈)
- To deadlift 130kg (my current PR is 121kg, but that's pre-hand fracture)
Deadline December 31st 2018!
What are your plans for 2018?
Happy holidays 😊
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